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“The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”: A review of Thanhha Lai’s Latest Novel Butterfly Yellow About Tra

Rachel Egoian

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

The process of remembering is not an easy task. For Hằng, the flashbacks of her memory forces her to approach her trauma by mediation and textualizes her memories by replacing the self with another character: a disguise or a mask that is safe and distances herself from that trauma. She painfully expresses, “[a]nother deep breath. It’s time to stop distancing. Call the characters by their true names. Ease her heart into withstanding the entirety of what happened on the boat, what happened on the island” (Lai 216). At this point in the novel, she faces her trauma through guiding herself in slowing her breath and exposing the monk characters as herself and her mother. The act of rewriting or remembering a story can slightly change just by point of view. Hằng takes a strong, authoritative step in revealing the “narrating I” in her memory. Although it is a tremendously painful process for her to go through, she has the support from, LeeRoy, as one of her reliable companions in the novel.

Lai reveals the traumatic history of the Vietnamese refugees in the hopes of preserving the ones that lost their lives in making it to America and wanting a better life. She shares the tremendous hardships and sacrifices that are caused due to the outbreak of war and political and economical shifts of regimes inflict upon people. Lai’s interpretation of the process of healing teaches readers that anxiety and trauma are very real, and there are many ways of confronting and coping with them. From the Author’s Note, she suggests that “[s]ometimes true connection sprouts between two most unlikely people. And sometimes healing is spurred in a place that reminds you of nothing you have known” (Lai). In Asian culture, there is a lack of discourse on mental health, which is why Asian communities should reach out and spread awareness on self care.

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Rachel Egoian - Pleasant Hill, CA


Originally from the Bay Area and a graduate from University of California, Santa Cruz in Literature and Education, Rachel has a profound interest in Asian American literature and communities. In addition, she is a recent graduate student at San Francisco State University for the English Literature Master’s program. Coming from a mixed ethnic background as an Armenian, Irish and Filipina, she values the importance of culture and self-identity. Through the foundations of literary criticism, she encourages and stresses the need for diversity in literature.

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